Groton-Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF)
...helping our students "Reach for the Stars!"
2014-15 Major Grants
Safari Montage Digital Media
District Wide | Maynard
Ipads for Apple TVs
Florence Roche | Crowley
Implementation of Biotechnology
High School | Reid
Genetics Teaching Tools
High School | Salemme
AP Science Summer Institute
High School | Reid
AP Spanish Training
High School | Leibold/Penchansky
Reading Workshop Model
Elementary Schools | Volpe/Lemont
2014-15 Mini Grants
Video Resources for Writing & Grammar Course
High School | Dumont
iPad to Support Wireless Microscopes
Middle School | Dwyer
Laptop to Support Middle School Weather Station
Middle School | Dwyer
MAHPERD Conference
Middle School | Murphy & Lynch
Video Camera and Hands Free Accessories
High School | Case
Middle School MakerSpace
Middle School | Spang
Mastering Basic Foundational Spanish
Middle School | Dubay
"Dig into Dinosaurs"
Florence Roche | Wenz
American Literature Activities & Assessments
High School | Patenaude-Dumont
Ekocycle Cube 3D Printer Supplies
High School | Rocheleau
Increasing Student Access to More Complex Texts
Swallow Union | Marino
MATSOL Conference
District Wide | Harper
Alive in '75!
Middle School | Sawyer